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La station Etendre

La Rosière Station

The most Italian of the french stations…. Located at 1850m of height, overhanging above the Tarentaise valley and south facing, La Rosière kept its authenticity and its traditions. The wood, lauze and stone shape the typical architecture of this savoy station.

You will love its family atmosphere, dynamic, cosmopolitan. By being connected to the Thuile in Italy, La Rosière is the only savoy station to offer an international ski domain of 152km of slopes : The San Bernardo Space. This cross-border ski offers you plenty of landscapes. Other strong point : The view on the Haute-Tarentaise valley and its sunny hills.

La Rosière is gifted with modern equipments and propose all the new kind of ride : Snowpark, speed riding, snowkite, boarder cross, snow cross… Labelled “Family Plus Mountain”, La Rosière offers plenty of after-ski activities and evening to share with your friends or family. Numerous activities, animation and events are planned all along the winter and summer season to make you live unforgettable holidays.

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La Rosière

Altitude : 1850m



Groupe 848

Altitude : 1850m

The assets of Ski Resort

Station familiale

Family friendly station

Ensoleillement record

Record sun exposure

Enneigement garanti

Guaranteed snow

Charme franco italien

French-italian charm

Station familiale animée

Animated family friendly station

La Rosière été

Close to Italy

La Rosière été

Many outdoor activities

La Rosière été

Traditional Savoy architecture

San Bernardo Domain

La Rosière benefits from a french-italian ski domain: The San Bernardo Space and its 160km of slopes. The french side is more gentle and the italian more technical.

A few kilometers as the crow flies from the Mont Blanc, the Petit Saint Bernard pass and the Ruitor glacier, the San Bernardo Space benefits from meteorological flux that guarantee amazing snow conditions from mid-december until the end of april.

Get prepared to slide down the 160 km of slopes of the San Bernardo Space on a height difference of 1450m and with a maximum altitude of 2800m. New kind of ride lovers will also find their happiness with the beautiful itinerary of wild hills or less gommed slopes to enjoy freeriding, snowkite, cross countryskiing… (We remind you that the practice of freeride should always be supervised and with the use of the adequate material)

From the peak of the Mont Valaisan to the Thuile station, many slopes are awaiting.

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km de piste

Km of slopes See the map


Alt. Min: 1175m
Alt. Max: 2800m

Nombre de pistes

Green slopes: 8
Blue slopes: 25
Red slopes: 31
Black slopes: 13


Ski lifts: 36


Alt. Min.: 1175m
Alt. Max.: 2800m


Snow conditions
Snow conditions
175 cm at the feet of the slopes
250 Cm at the top


Accommodation rental La Rosière

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Infos Pratiques

How to come

La Rosière – Espace San Bernardo is a station located in the township of Montvalezan in the Savoy department. Located at 490km of Paris, 153km of Grenoble, 203km of Lyon and 123km of Chambery. During winter, the access is made only by Bourg-Saint-Maurice because of the many mountain passes being closed.

It’s highly recommended for you to take one of the indicated path. Follow this guide to get all the answers to your questions in a matter of transportation to your destination.

 | Make your life easier with tictactrip

Search and find the best way to get to La Rosière resort with the Tictactrip comparator, a fast, easy and efficient free service.


Road to follow if you’re coming to La Rosière by car :
Take the highway to Albertville, then the freeway to Moutiers. The national road (RN90) will take you to Bourg-Saint-Maurice, then you will access easily to La Rosière by the departmental road (RD 1090) by following the Col du Petit-Saint-Bernard and Italy. During winter, the access to La Rosière station is only by Bourg-Saint-Maurice.

Traffic conditions, mountain passes opening : http://www.savoie-route.fr/

Think about carpool with : https://www.blablacar.fr/

Car rental from Bourg-Saint-Maurice :

Europcar Bourg Saint Maurice : +33 (0)4 79 04 04 20

Taxis around La Rosière

Taxi Jean-Pierre : +33 (0)

Front Page

Taxi Bourg Saint Maurice : +33 (0)6 47 47 18 86 https://www.taxi-bourg-st-

Taxis to do the transfer between Bourg-Saint-Maurice train station and La Rosière :
-Taxi Jean-Pierre : +33 (0)

Front Page

The closest train station to La Rosière is the Bourg-Saint-Maurice train station:

When you arrive at the train station, shuttle bus will take you directly to La Rosière station

The T12 bus line of Belle Savoie Express :https://vente-bellesavoieexpress.fr/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Navette-T12-Bourg-St-Maurice-La-Rosiere.pdf

Altibus : https://www.altibus.com/station-de-ski/la-rosiere-rs81.aspx

Les navettes sont assurées uniquement durant l’hiver

Taxis to do the transfer between Bourg-Saint-Maurice train station and La Rosière :
-Taxi Jean-Pierre : +33 (0)

Front Page

-Taxi Bourg Saint Maurice : +33 (0)6 47 47 18 86

-All moutains Taxi :+33 (0)6 71 14 10 78

-Tarentaise Taxi : +33 (0)6 11 70 29 01

Closest airport to La Rosière :

Lyon Saint Exupery airport : https://www.lyonaeroports.com/
Chambery Savoie airport : https://www.chambery-airport.com/
Geneva Cointrin airport : https://www.gva.ch/fr/
Grenoble airport : https://www.grenoble-airport.com/

Here are the links where you can book a seat in one of the shuttle bus :

Chambery airport : https://www.altibus.com/station-de-ski/aeroport.aspx?ra=1
Lyon Saint Exupery airport : https://www.altibus.com/station-de-ski/aeroport.aspx?ra=6
Grenoble airport : https://www.bensbus.co.uk/shared-airport-ski-transfers/grenoble/
Genève Cointrin airport : https://www.altibus.com/station-de-ski/aeroport.aspx?ra=2

You can also book a taxi that will take you from the airport to La Rosière station :

-Taxi Jean-Pierre : +33 (0)

Front Page

How to come

La Rosière – Espace San Bernardo is a station located in the township of Montvalezan in the Savoy department. Located at 490km of Paris, 153km of Grenoble, 203km of Lyon and 123km of Chambery.

Follow this guide to get all the answers to your questions in a matter of transportation to your destination.

 | Make your life easier with tictactrip

Search and find the best way to get to La Rosière resort with the Tictactrip comparator, a fast, easy and efficient free service.


Road to follow if you’re coming to La Rosière by car :
Take the highway to Albertville, then the freeway to Moutiers. The national road (RN90) will take you to Bourg-Saint-Maurice, then you will access easily to La Rosière by the departmental road (RD 1090) by following the Col du Petit-Saint-Bernard and Italy. During winter, the access to La Rosière station is only by Bourg-Saint-Maurice.

Traffic conditions, mountain passes opening : http://www.savoie-route.fr/

Think about carpool with : https://www.blablacar.fr/

Car rental from Bourg-Saint-Maurice :

Europcar Bourg Saint Maurice : +33 (0)4 79 04 04 20

Taxis around La Rosière

Taxi Jean-Pierre : +33 (0)

Front Page

The closest train station to La Rosière is the Bourg-Saint-Maurice train station:

When you arrive at the train station, shuttle bus will take you directly to La Rosière station

The T12 bus line of Belle Savoie Express :https://vente-bellesavoieexpress.fr/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Navette-T12-Bourg-St-Maurice-La-Rosiere.pdf

Altibus : https://www.altibus.com/station-de-ski/la-rosiere-rs81.aspx

Les navettes sont assurées uniquement durant l’hiver

Taxis to do the transfer between Bourg-Saint-Maurice train station and La Rosière :
-Taxi Jean-Pierre : +33 (0)

Front Page

Closest airport to La Rosière :

Lyon Saint Exupery airport : https://www.lyonaeroports.com/
Chambery Savoie airport : https://www.chambery-airport.com/
Geneva Cointrin airport : https://www.gva.ch/fr/
Grenoble airport : https://www.grenoble-airport.com/

Here are the links where you can book a seat in one of the shuttle bus :

Chambery airport : https://www.altibus.com/station-de-ski/aeroport.aspx?ra=1
Lyon Saint Exupery airport : https://www.altibus.com/station-de-ski/aeroport.aspx?ra=6
Grenoble airport : https://www.bensbus.co.uk/shared-airport-ski-transfers/grenoble/
Genève Cointrin airport : https://www.altibus.com/station-de-ski/aeroport.aspx?ra=2

You can also book a taxi that will take you from the airport to La Rosière station :

-Taxi Jean-Pierre : +33 (0)

Front Page


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  • Les Balcons Platinium Val Cenis *****
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  • Les Balcons de Val Thorens ****
La Rosière
  • Les Balcons De La Rosière ****
  • Hôtel Alparena & Spa ****
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